The Kingdom of God Continues

The Kingdom of God Continues

If you want to deepen your understanding about the Kingdom of God, then this is your book. Written in a bible study format, this scripture filled book will be a permanent reference for receiving the promises of God, using powerful prayer and confession to get Kingdom results.

This book will open up your eyes to unseen realities by learning the mind of our Father and give you the God kind of faith. You will learn and build on your knowledge and apply the principles of the Kingdom to give you freedom in your life and help others get theirs.

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Chapter 1        The Grace of the Kingdom: Learn how God’s grace entitles you to powerful prayer.

Chapter 2        The Unity of the Kingdom: Learn how you can be included in the exponential growth of the upcoming power that will be displayed by the body of Christ.

Chapter 3        The Mind of the Kingdom: Find out how to renew your mind to pray for healing and receive miracles.

Chapter 4        The Leaven of the Kingdom: Begin to grow into a life with no lack, no matter how long the trial of your faith has been.

Chapter 5        The Reality of the Kingdom: Learn about the unseen realities of the Kingdom.

Chapter 6        The Seed of the Kingdom: Use your spiritual DNA to receive increase from Heaven.

Chapter 7        The Ascension of the Kingdom: Discover events in heavenly places.

Chapter 8        The Boundaries of the Kingdom: Recover the connection to God that was lost through Adam.

Chapter 9        The Limitations of the Kingdom: Learn what is God’s responsibility and what is yours.

Chapter 10       The Voice of the Kingdom: Change your circumstances by using your words.

Chapter 11      The Father of the Kingdom: Connect to the eternal mind of our Father.

Chapter 12      The Artillery of the Kingdom: Use your power to fight spiritual battles.

Chapter 13      The Intensity of the Kingdom: How to apply your knowledge for a higher level.

Chapter 14      The Creativity of the Kingdom: How to deal with missing body parts.

Chapter 15      The Prayers of the Kingdom: Praying into the Yes and Amen of Jesus.

Chapter 16      The Vision of the Kingdom: How to receive a clear vision from God.

Chapter 17      Connecting to the Kingdom: Establishing unwavering connection with God.

Chapter 18      Great Faith of the Kingdom: How to increase your faith

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