Long Beach has been on fire with a special month of God moving here. The West Coast Believer’s Convention started with the Evangelism team gaining 2,048 souls before opening day. Great messages were heard day and night with the conclusion on Saturday with Gloria Copeland’s healing school. Word of knowledge came forth to open deaf ears, stomach and back problems. Many others received miracles after hands were laid on them by the ministers there.
Pastor Benny Hinn had an anointed service on the 20th with people permanently leaving wheelchairs, leaving behind arthritis and much more as dozens of people lined the walls to give their testimony. One wheel chair bound lady in her 60’s was pushed in by her ‘ex-husband’. Benny stopped the service for 15 minutes to council them. He joined Pastor Benny on his knees, received salvation and gave his life to the Lord, and further decided to reconcile in marriage after over 14 years of being apart. He offered to marry them at his weekly class in California. It was a blessing to see people come with an expectancy of God’s touch and receive their miracles.