Dear Jeff,
Last night was an unbelievable first service! It seemed like a first service, a second, and a third- and not because of the length! Dad didn’t even get to teach before miracles started happening! He had a very specific word for someone who had had an accident 19 yrs ago and now had major back problems…
A lady came up that that that applied too… and then he opened the call for everyone that had back problems….
One after another after another received total instant healing!
One lady with MS came up … she was so scared – she was barely walking
with a cane. Dad told her that God loved her and that MS was not from
God… She seemed very unsure about that … Didn’t look like she had the
faith to receive her healing… She wasn’t sure that God wanted to heal her
… But then Dad laid hands on her …. She fell out and He said “Pick her
up!” They picked her up and he said “Now move without pain!”…. He took
her cane and said “Now walk without pain” … as she started to walk …
her face filled with the most shocked and amazed look! She went from looking scared and almost angry to being full of the Glory of God and thankfulness! Then Dad had a word for her … said that God was going to help her forgive deep hurts and that the FEAR would never bother her again and her eyes widened
(almost as big as Harfouche eyes) in shock! She fell out and looked like a whole new woman afterwards ..
Dad said if you wear hearing aids – take them out ! A man stood up and took his hearing aids out and came to the front… dad laid hands on him and prayed a short prayer then checked his ears….This man got healed so fast it looked like he was never deaf! A person in the church called him and he even checked his ears on the phone – Totally and completely healed! Pray for us! Love you guys !
Christie Harfouche
WEDNESDAY, May 14, 2008
Wednesday morning ! Wednesday night! At this point in the week everything starts getting hard to separate into services in your memory! It’s all one big Miracle Blur!Wednesday morning people came to hear the word…. Lamar lead praise and worship and had the place bumpin! He was running back and forth on the platform shouting and singing. Dad asked me to preach the word.
We got the peoples hearts ready for this week …. I preached on the POWER of God! Dad has been talking about ‘Miracles of Every Kind” so THE POWER seemed to be a great place to start – and it was.
I talked about IMI – like any good student would 😉 – Told them there was 8 people there that needed to be on the Bible school – and 8 people responded. We are having a good response from people about product and IMI – but we want to see a lot more students by the end of the week.
Wednesday night was just a BLOW OUT! Praise and worship was electric… They love Chain Breaker and With God. With God about tore the roof off last night ! People were jumping, shouting, dancing… the glory fell…. and all of a sudden you felt like a canopy of God’s presence cover the people… Then dad started to prophecy and declare about the end times and what God has in store
for his children…
Almost seamlessly he moved from there straight into miracles….
A man came up for bone spurs and arthritis in his neck. Dad got a word of knowledge that he had hearing loss as well….. He was instantly healed…
A women who had pain in all her joints came up and got instantly delivered of pain! Dad had a word about a financial breakthrough in her life and she started jumping and dancing around – the ushers were trying their best to keep up!
A lady came in on a cane – she had a bulging vertebrae, carpel tunnel, and arthritis – She ended up running around the church with absolutely no pain – she had a little bounce in her step too – a little “swagger” !
Another man heard dad call his condition out – it was a rare lung disease – the interesting thing about it was dad was speaking in tongues… and never ‘in english’ called out that man’s condition – but the man heard Dad’s tongues in english! The man had been on oxygen all day. He said while he was on his way to church a bee flew in his car – and as he went to swat it he looked away from the road and ran into two light poles! People were yelling and asking if he was alright and he said –
“I’m Blessed, and I’m going to church” He made it to church that night and got his Miracle – And this man in his 60s was rolling on the floor
laughing and shouting!
And many more….
Pray for us – Love you all,
Christie Harfouche