argurion: (ar-goo’-ree-on) silverling or piece of money; drachma or shekels
Mt 25:18,27, 28:12,15 Luke 9:3, 19:15,23, 22:5 Acts 8:20
stater: (stat-air’) standard of value a certain coin
Mt 17:27 money in the fish
nomisma: (nom’-is-mah) a current coin
Mt 22:19 tribute to Ceaser
kermatistes: (ker-mat-is-tace’) money changer
John 2:14 the money changers
chrema: (khray’-mah ) wealth, riches
Acts 8:18,20, 24:26
philaguros: (fil-ar’-goo-ros) a covetous love of money
1 Tim 6:10 the root of all evil
The covetous love of money causes violations from the servants of God of the eighth commandment, thou shalt not steal. A man that robs God of tithes and violates his faith and trust in God, makes it impossible to please him. It becomes a sinful habit and comes short of the glory of God. The one who trusts in self more than God gives access for the curse of the enemy (Mal 3:8,9). That violation of trust causes many to take at least the same tenth and spend it on alcohol, cigarettes, food, gambling, cable, bling-bling etc. If God doesn’t get the tithe, the world will take it, but only to be laid up for the just (Prov 13:22, 1Cor 3;21, Hag 2:8). Instead of ‘selling’ your soul to the enemy, it’s like paying him to take it.
When you give, you reflect God’s will in heaven to be done on the earth. The devourer is rebuked and blessings come with right-standing of God. A relationship of trust is built with a strong confidence in God. If you are not a giver, (even if you took that same tenth and gave to help those in need) taste and see that the Lord is good and you will find He’s more than trustworthy and a faithful King. He has a lot invested in you and looks for a return on His investment. Don’t hide your ‘talents’ (Luke 19:27)
In the new testament they took this to an even higher level by sharing all (Acts 4:34-37), that the body of Christ was made whole.